SAP HCM to SAP HXM – Here’s what you must know about this Upgradation

SAP HCM to SAP HXM – Here’s what you must know about this Upgradation

SAP being one of the most stringent organizations offering end to end cloud services has always been at the forefront of innovation. Staffed with an array of products and software suite solutions, their development community never fails to apprise its audience. What this implies is that they keep rolling out new features and solutions that have the power to keep businesses adept with industrial advancements.

How ERP Benefits the Energy and Utilities industry?

How ERP Benefits the Energy and Utilities industry?

We get to hear a lot about the manufacturing industry, the transportation sector, the IT domain, and even the healthcare department. Little is known is said or heard about the Energy and Utilities industry, right?

SharePoint ECM – Your Organization’s Content Management Partner

SharePoint ECM - Your Organization’s Content Management Partner

Organizations that planned to digitize their workforce or in other words, go paperless might have had a tough time in the last decade. Even though there are thousands of solutions that streamline the process of digital transformation, organizations fail to effectively implement the same.

Why is it Essential for You to Migrate to SAP S/4HANA Right Now?

Why is it Essential for You to Migrate to SAP S/4HANA Right Now?

The fact that you are here and reading this piece of article, it’s pretty obvious that you are currently operating your business on the SAP ERP system and also that you are aware of the decision laid by SAP to withdraw its support from all the legacy software. True, right?