Why you should develop your Mobile App with Xamarin

Why you should develop your Mobile App with Xamarin

The World of Mobile Application is changing rapidly. Industries are adapting more towards Mobile Technology, in this fast-growing technology environment, developing mobile apps to keep up with the growing demands can only be achieved with the right set of tools and a right approach.

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Microsoft Azure IoT Hub vs Amazon IoT

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub vs Amazon IoT

IoT is ruling the technology hype cycle aiming to help business entities achieve connected enterprises. IoT is combined with Analytical solutions are helping enterprises solve critical business challenges such as Real-time analytics, sensors integration, maximum asset utilization, real-time supply chain visibility and many more.

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Office 365- Shows more ways to be Productive

Office 365- Shows more ways to be Productive

I don’t know if you had started with Office 365 but recently I had. I can’t tell you great and exciting it is to work with. You might me thinking it would be like the same olda boat you were sailing up till now at your working pace but this is kinda different.

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SAP with IoT, a powerfull IT Arm for Organization

SAP with IoT, a powerfull IT Arm for Organization

We are in the world of Internet and so are the things, Yeah you got me right I’m talking about the Internet of Things(IoT).

The promise of the Internet of Things is that when all of the gadgetry is connected and sending status and use data into the cloud, information will, therefore, be more plentiful and granular.

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Do we really need a Data hub for BI

Do we really need a Data hub for BI

So now when you have chosen a platform for Business Intelligence: flexible, usable, manageable, scalable: getting all these great abilities in one package. Soon you’ll integrate, visualize and collaborate across the company as never before.

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